Stalkers. Bhahaha

Friday, August 5, 2011

Adakah Kau Lupa . . .

- percaya kata janji-Mu ,kerna ku yakin apa di genggam-Mu - Setanggi Syurga , Inteam

Salamullahialaikum warahmatullah wabarakatuh ,

So , it has been such a long time since my last update . Sorry for neglecting my blog. I was trying to update but blankness filled up in the air . Too many ideas , I guess . I tried to type once , twive , THRICE i think in the new post , but they all ended in my drafts only . sigh -.-

Okayy, So now. I hope this can be a post at last ,lol . My life in Matriks in kinda busy now , n we just ended our mid- sem examination yesterday. It was a success i think, *oops syok sendiri , Astaghfirullah. i mean A success that i accomplished the task of sitting in the examination hall and answering all the stuffs, yeahh, i mean Alhamdulillah

So , for those who still don't know where am i know. * cause every time people ask me, they will, " kat mana ja kolej tu ? " okayy, this is the place where i study now. It is situated in Kulim, Kedah , yeah weekend on Fridays and Saturdays . I get used to already as  I had gone to National Service in Sintok, Kedah right? * "yaya! right!" - okay i heard that :P I take Matriculations Programme. It is as same as other Matriculations College like PMC , KMK etc . But this one is under MARA . yeahhh, free foooooood hahaha

Alhamdulillah , this  place is not really rural . still can go outing to Giant , Bowling , Cinema bla bla bla -_-
Kolej MARA Kulim a.k.a KMK 
So , it is a preparation of degree right ? hhehe , Insha Allah . my target is to get what I want. What do I want ? Alimm Mujahid . i keep it as secret first , Allahu A'lam wa antum la ta'lamunn :)


 Wallahua'lam , adakalanya apa yang kita suka bukanlah yang terbaik untuk kita . - maksud Al-Quran .Well, everyting in this world is HIS. Every knowledge is HIS. I admired Dr. Daniel Zainal Abidin. He came to our college 2 weeks before Ramadhan i think. and I was inspried , but actually i have set my mind up  to be one like him. Excellent in both areas, duniawi and ukhrawi. Can be huffaz and at the same time , profesional in Science.
Nah, I din say that studying Islamic Studies is not good . Of course it is the BEST . Tapi , keperluan Fardhu Kifayah terhadap golongan sebegini di Malaysia semakin meninggi ,and again i din say that i m doing this for the sake of job prospect and money. But , hey . adakah kau lupa ? Kita pernah berjaya .

Just look at those Excellent Muslims in yesteryears . For instance, Ibnu Sina ( Avicenna) who was a doctor and huffaz Al-Quran , and also a very faqih in Feqah. And his book is being used all over the world till now Al- Qanun fi Tibb . Ar-Razi too. There are so many names to be mentioned . They are undeniably great and awesome !

okay , the point is, whatever you study , it's all about you , and Islam . What do you do as a Muslim.

and yeah , to be franked , I miss Arabic Language now. For now , I have to be patient first . I must study and achieve the highest score so that i can pursue what i want for the sake of Islam. Ya Muqallibal Qulub Tsabbit qulubana Ala Dinik -__-

the humble Ibn Sina
dan YA . as i had come to this topic , i just wanna say  that people nowadays especially typical malays always  get wrong images of Perubatan ISLAM . Perubatan in Islam doesnt mean that an ustaz comes to your house and then , read some verses to halau those jin and syaitan , and all histeria things , which i feel sad to think bout this. ISLAM IS EVERYTHING , you dont need God when you are afraid ,you need God always and always .


When I first looked at the advertisement of this magazine , I was sooooooooooo excited until I made a call to the representative of the magazine in Penang . I have waited for such a looong time already to own this kind of   suitable-for- islamic-youth magazine . i also had a dream to make such magazine, but yeah now it exisssttttssss already , :)

so , if you guys one . you can buy direct from me or from ICS - available to KMK students only :)
last but not least , RAMADHAN KAREEEM ! (ALLAHU AKRAM)

- kumengharapkan Ramadhan kali ini penuh makna - Manbai & raihan