Stalkers. Bhahaha

Monday, May 14, 2012

Matriculations' Life #1

Assalamualaikum and good evening everyone. It is the last night before going to Japan for a week. * I talk like I'll be going for years. Well, it has been 5 months since my last update. Yes, I was extremely busy as hell. Only God knows. He knows how busy I was till I couldn't open this blog *but still alive and kicking on Twitter. Heck yeah.

And yeah, Twitter is my current obsession, it is the microblog and it is where my ideas are being put. I tend to abandon this blog till I have been called to make a post about Matriculations' life of mine.

So, how are we going to start this thing? Hrmm. Well, I'm gonna make this simple. Insha Allah, so this could be a simple guidance to all my juniors who made their decision to enter Matriculations. First of all, I would like to congratulate you guys for choosing Matriculation as your path for Pre-U level. Don't distract with the bad views of this program as this is the best foundation ever in Malaysia as well as STPM.

This is where I used to take my Matriculations. Yeap, it's under my MARA. My (?)

Moving to our first point:

I'm not gonna give you the definition of this program, you might as well can search for it in Wikipedia. But I am going to give you guys the overview of this program.

Starting my batch, 2011-2012 for Science Course, there are 3 Modules.

  1. Modul 1 - Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics, Physics
  2. Modul 2 - Chemistry, Mathematics, Pyhsics, Computer Science (NO BIOLOGY)
  3. Modul 3 - Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics, Computer Science (NO PHYSICS)
I took Modul 3 and yeap, no physics. If you wish to be a doctor, you can choose Module 3. You gotta 'pulon' all the way as this program only takes 1 year for you to struggle. Every assesment is counted. 

Here's the tips. 

SHUT UP! I'm paying attention!

  • Pay attention in class - which it is like impossible for you to always pay attention cause your life is not about studies always, we may have to face some problems in our life, so I suggest you guys to bring along some sweets or snacks to cheer yourself up when you are about to 'syahid'
Stop procrastinating man!

  • Don't ever skip tutorial exercises - here's to the people who might not knowing what the heck is tutorial.  They are the exercise books that are arranged according to the syllabus. If you never fail to do it every night, after your lecture class, I bet you guys can score in every assessment.

Sat ja wey nak studi, setahun je nak penat. Lepas tu, hang berseronoklah, tapi bukan nya syok sangat pun

  • Glance through the syllabus and notes before entering lecture classes. - sometimes the lecturers can be so fast and furious. They might sometimes just read the slideshows without considering our comprehension. I suggest you guys can watch the McGraw Hill's animation on their website. *Google it, you'll know it. Especially in Biology Class.
Practical hours - time for you to show who's the MAN yeahh haha

  • There will be lecture hours, tutorial hours and practical hours -  i ) I think you guys dont have any problems with lecture hours. So we are going to move to the tutorial hours' explanation. Tutorial hour will be held in a small class and sometimes maybe in the lecture hall. Depends on your lecturer. During these hours, dont forget to bring along the tutorial exercises. The lecturers are going to discuss the questions.  It is likely same as the tuition class during our school years. And yeah, dont be passive, man. I'm tired to give you these tips if you guys still want to be lazy during Matrics hahahahahaha. ii) Practical hours are the hours that you guys can do experiments under the teachers' supervision.  Dont worry, there is a manual book. Follow the instructions right there, and Insha Allah you'll be safe.
Tok sah dok buat haghu lagu ni. At least sebelum tidoq, glance through kalau malas sangat weh. Sekilas pandang ja!

  • Dont procractinate. NEVER. Once the orientation week ends, you gotta pull your socks up! I think there'll be a book sale at the college. Last time, my college had it. Buy the reference books that are good such as SAP ( most preferable by me) SUCH AS CLONED PAST YEAR (SAP) - MUST BUY! AND MUST READ TOO!, Q&A (OXFORD FAJAR). If you think it's kinda late to wait for the sale, you can go straight away go to POPULAR BOOKSTORE at the STPM section to find the books.

So, my next point is about registration day. Why is this important? Yes, cause it dictates who are you going to stay with for a year! This is how it goes. If you want to easily get adapted with the surrounding, you must come and register with your friends together. YES TOGETHER. Then, you guys can be place in the same room or near to one another. This can ease your stuff of getting adapted and less culture shock maybe.  Dont forget to bring along the documents that the college had asked you to bring. For MARA students,  you gotta prepare an essay. About why you should get MARA scholar. Blablabla. Just follow as it has stated in the form. 


During class hours 
- Baju Kurung, tudung for girls . Just be simple. Dont have to be so Yuna or Hana Tajima
- Shirts and slacks for boys. Yeah, the simple, plain shirts are recommended.
After class hours  
 - SUKA HATI HANG NAK PAKAI APA, JANGAN SAMPAI MENCOLOK  MATA and sampai orang jalan pun langgaq tiang habeh. Senang kata tutup lah yg mana patut ye.

Dress code can be changed according to the college's terms and conditions. NOTE THAT.

Oh ya, shoes for classes are bertutup and PVC or leather ones are preferable.

So yeah, basically these are the foundations that you need to know when you step your feet in the college. I'll always pray for your guys' achievement as our success are important to our society and our religion. 

Please, don't ever give up in chasing your dreams. Keep close to ALLAH Azza Wajalla. Rant everything to HIM when you face difficulties and sadness. Cause you found the ease one day, Insha ALLAH!

Insha Allah, I'll update Matriculations' Life #2 once I touch down Malaysia in a week's time. I'll tell you guys about the examinations and assessment in details. * See how diligent I will be. o.O

Wallahua'alam , I'm sorry if I do a lot of grammar mistakes. Who cares. Penat aku tulis woi, baik hampa baca, taknak baca sudeh sila ALT dan F4.

Assalamualaikum! And thanks!



♥Niesa' imana♥ said...

salam, my dear.. ^^
wah3.. panjang bebenor..
malas akak bace..hee.. :p

anti g jepun??
watpe kat sne??

As-Sakinah © said...

Panjang le nak bagi tips ke adik adik. Hehehe, jepun? Melancong je kak