Stalkers. Bhahaha

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Zakir Naik is coming to Malaysia!

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh all the way from Indonesia! 

Yes, I am here now, studying Dentistry at Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan. Seriously, when I found my blog is not updated as frequent as other bloggers do, I feel regret. I feel, "Where is my spirit?" " Where is my istiqamah?" . The first time I made this blog, I was like, " OMG, I must make myself updated for this blog, at least once a weeeeeek!!" 

Well, yeah, what happened was I did not have the strength sometimes to write a loong post cause I think I don't have those good qualities and maybe sometimes, I feel give up. Astaghfirullah. 

BUT TODAY, I feel revived, since I lived for three weeks in Medan, I feel something. I feel that I need to do something. TO OUR DEEN. Yeah! At least, a post to revive and motivate all teenagers out there to stay steadfast on the journey of ISLAM!

Speaking about staying steadfast on Islam, have you guys watched Umar Mita's latest video? "Ramadan" feat Aiman Azlan and Ali Husni!? Yeah, you guys shooooould! It was an amazing video that you guys should not ever miss! Go and search on Youtube. GO GO GO! 

Haaaaaaaa. And one more thing, ZAKIR NAIK IS COMING TO MALAYSIA! Please make yourself freee during those daysssss. Don't know the schedule! Nah, I give you!

I swear I was totally shocked to know that he is coming! I was like, OMG I REALLY NEED TO GO THERE!
But....... things changed, I am now in Indonesia. Never mind, Allah know what's best. And yeah, Youtube must have those videos laah. The only thing is I cant watch him live. Ehehe never mind. 

Okay, thats all for now, A very quick post yet something. Ehehe. See you guys around! Always remember Allah will never let you walk alone. Not Liverpool. :3