Stalkers. Bhahaha

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Back in Malaysia!

Currently back in Penang for 10 days holidays! Yabedabedu! Ahh, this is the time that I'd been waiting for all this while. 10 days may sound so short but for me, it is already looong. Do you know that it is hard for us to get 'libur' back there in Indonesia. Dah la kelas 6 hari seminggu. Full baq hang. Peh padahal produktif, hmm tk lah pulak. Eh.

Haha. So, lots of plans coming out. Nak buat itu ini, begitu begini. Tup tup. Sampai sampai I got flu and bad cough. Fuhh, doesnt matter lah kan cause it is one good feeling to be home! Cuma, tk dapat nak hang out with friends (sorry guys) and tk sangka pula ramai kawan yang nak exam final. Fuuuh. Maan najah alaikum!

Hari ni hari Isnin, dah petang. Plan yang paling confirm sekarang ni adalah plan nak pegi TWIN OF FAITH 2012 dekat PICC this 29th & 30th! Ya Rabbi! I really can't wait to attend this most awaited event of the year! 

If yo guys mungkin "Eh, program apa ni" "Err, Macam menarik ja but i tk tahu pung" ehhehe. Jangan risau, belum telambat lagi. Nah, I give you this video for all of you to watch. 

Bateri laptop nak mati. K wassalam alaik! Aaaaaaa.....