Stalkers. Bhahaha

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Gems of #TOF2012! (part 1)

Assalamualaikum warahmatullah. Peace be upon all of you who read this. May Allah bless each one of us. Ameen :3

So, I went to Twins of Faith which was held at PICC, Putrajaya on 29th & 30th December last year. Eceh, actually it was last week. Alhamdulillah, it was a great honor & pleasure to attend such event. I've been longing to attend this event all this while. Banyak sebab sebenarnya why I really wanted to go. Main intention tu of course to add on my iman yang makin lama makin merudum sebelum ni. Rasa macam lifeless, rasa macam tak special being a human being and a muslim (astaghfirullah, perasaan ni bukan selalu datang lah, macam kadang-kadang bila rasa unbearable nak tanggun dugaan dan sebagainya), macam kenapa itu, kenapa ini dan sebagainya lah. Ya lah kan, hal duniawi semuanya membuatkan kita rasa 'dahaga' dan 'dahaga' lagi. Kejar lagi kejar dari ke hari, tapi akhirnya the satisfaction doesnt last forever. Sebab itu, intention perlu diperbaharui dari hari ke hari. Be someone who contributes to Islam. Don't just exist. Gituh.

Tema Twins of Faith kali ni, For the Love of God. Luas maksud dia. Tapi, sebenarnya inilah yang kita cari kan? Aim kita yang satu inilah. Bila kita aim perkara yang satu ini, benda-benda lain juga akan ikut serta. You know what I mean kan? Kan? Hah, baguih (Y)

Aha, one of the happiest feelings that I got there was I got the chance to meet Sister Suhaila. She is one o the famous tweeps that I follow on Twitter. Yang lawaknya, selisih beliau kat escalator and I was like, " Sister Suhaila!". Boleh bayang dak, aku nak naik ke atas, beliau nak turun bawah, macam bertentangan arah lah kan. And she was beaaauuuuuutfuuuuul masha Allah, (oh ya, btw, muka Sister Suhaila ada ala-ala macam Aliaa Shafinas sikit. Hehe. ) I got the chance to sembang-sembang dengan dia lebih kurang kat Mothers Corner. Daaaaan dapat lifetime membership card untuk bershopping at her abaya boutique! Yayerz! Masha Allah.

Okay, back to the topic. My main intention making this post is to share some gems that I got during this event. Banyaaaaaak sangat sampai tak tertulis pun ada. Haaa, if you guys have Twitter, you can find hashtag #TOF2012, ramai yang update gems thru this hashtag. Cekidaut! :3

So.... brace yourselves up! We are about to read the gems of TOF2012! Bismillahirrhamanirrahim. Oh ya, I m gonna divide the gems according to the sheikh/speaker and talk apa yang depa sampaikan. Okay? Okay... (:

# Sheikh Daood Butt, What is Love?

"You can tell what one does in life by the things they do constantly."

"When you love someone, you know every single thing about the one who you love." (kaitkan cinta kita dengan Allah, when we claim that we love Allah, we are supposed to know about Allah SWT)

"We, as His servants, sacrifice and show our love as long as the things that we do are according to the guidelines."

"Rasulullah SAW once said, follow me (fattabiouni), and Allah SWT will LOVE you."

"Rasullulah SAW also once said, when Allah loves one, Allah will call Jibreel & He will tell Jibreel to love that person. And Jibreel will then go to tell all the angels to love this person. And every angel will not miss to love that person too."

"The LOVER loves which the one who s/he loves LOVES."

"REAL LOVE is something that should be demonstrated"

That's all for now. Gonna update this soon. I left the notes of the gems at my house so yeah, gonna update this when I get it back. Insha Allah.

May Allah bless.

Outro - Ramadhan by Mishary Rashid Al-Afasy