so, any ideas on what I'm going to talk about Maher Zain this time?
Maher Zain comes to Penang ?
Maher Zain produces a new album?
or, Maher Zain's song now in Malay?
yaaa !! way to go, guys! Now, you can listen Maher Zain's Insha ALLAH in Malay. Initially, I was a little bit unbelieved as there are so many covers on Maher Zain's Insha ALLAH in Malay on Youtube. But, I forced myself to click on the video with my ears closed. Bukan paa, takut keluar suara Mehar Zian pulak. Yalah, kan banyak video tak torah kat Youtube.
So, walaupun dengan telinga katup, my ears catched the beats of the nasyid, ANNNNNDDDD , it's true . It's MAHER ZAIN's INSHA ALLAH in MALAY. official=) ohhh
I'm happy. I jumped to the sky, that's why my roof is under construction,
okay, here's his nasyid in Malay. Suddenly, I'm PROUD to be MALAYSIAN
thaib, ilalliqa'
p.s- saya rasa lebih hayati dengan lirik melayu ini, T_T ohhh
p.s II - am I the last person on the earth know about this? hahaha, gara-gara 1 bulan di sana. ooops
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