Stalkers. Bhahaha

Sunday, December 2, 2012

"Nothing Good Happens After 2"

This is one of the episodes in How I Met Your Mother Season 1. Well, I've been watching this series ever since it was being on air on Star World but I was not that fanatic like you know, the one who must not miss the episode every time it is on the TV. I watched it when I was free. That's all. What I like about this series is the scripts that they use do make sense. Especially when it comes to Barney Stinson's part. Though ironically, Neil Patrick Harris is not that inspiring outside the studio. ( you know what I mean)

To be surprised, most words that they use in the scripts are relatable to our lives. One of them is "When I am sad, I stop being sad, and be awesome instead." I know right? It does sound motivating and cool. Ahaha. And another one is, "Happiness is not that hard. People make it hard."

Regardless the censored parts, HIMYM is very fascinating to be watched. After almost 8 years watching it, we still don't know who the mother is. Haha. Ted Mosby, you're cunning. You banged almost every girl in New York then only you found the most perfect girl who you can make her as your wife, huh? Tsk tsk. Pity those girls. :p Lol emotional pulak aku.

Well. We put aside this awesomeness about HIMYM for a while. Now what I want to point out here is nothing good happens after 2. Yes. Been there, done that. Allah had made night time for us to sleep and to relax ourselves from being stressed out. Kalau yang studi tu lain cerita ah. What I mean here is no good decision (yang related dengan perasaan) will be made at this hour. 

Perasan tak. Idk maybe it is only me who feels this way. But wild thoughts of mind tend to wander at this hour and I always put myself at a bad mood. Eventually, I likely spend my time thinking this and that. Wondering what would happen if I didn't make that step, what would happen if I didn't choose this way yadda yadda. You know all that stuffs which may sicken you when you think of em. 

Yeah. Indeed. Nothing good happens after 2 UNLESS you spend your time to spill everything in your sujood, zikr. Yeap. Luahkan segala keresahan kepada Dia. The one who understands you every single time. He made us of course He will take care of us as long as you still believe and have faith in Him.

Post ini sebenarnya pesanan kepada diri aku sendiri ah. Aku tak tuju kat siapa-siapa. Melainkan ada yang tengah baca ni nak ambil teladan dan pedoman, terserah. Motif utama aku tulis ni memang untuk diri aku. Perkongsian dari aku yang mungkin sedikit sebanyak akan memberi manfaat kepada anda semua. Barangkali.

Pesanan buat diri. Don't think too much till you soak yourself in an ocean of wonders and negativities. It is uncool and you're going to be depressed all the time. And you're gonna make nothing good. Instead you're going to disappoint your own self and boleh jadi orang lain pun akan naik menyampah dengan diri hang. (ni satu lagi masalah aku, suka fikir apa yang akan orang fikir terhadap aku) 

Pesanan buat diri aku lagi. Kalau rasa unbearable sangat, bentang tikar sejadah. Ambil wudhu', pakai telekung and start praying. You know kan no one can satisfy you that much except Allah. Kita takkan pernah forever alone. And you know kan, benda yang kita desire sangat tu boleh kita mohon kepada Allah. Hati itu kan milik Allah. Allah yang membuatkan hati itu begerak. Dengan izinNya, semua bisa terjadi.

And I think that's all for now. Maybe macam tergantung tapi tu je lah yang aku mampu tulis setakat ni. Assalamualaikum.